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how to stop watching porn: techniques and tips to overcome porn addiction
Contributor(s): J, Ethan (Author)
ISBN:     ISBN-13: 9798695162608
Publisher: Independently Published
OUR PRICE:   $10.44  
Product Type: Paperback
Published: October 2020
Additional Information
BISAC Categories:
- Medical | Mental Health
Physical Information: 0.11" H x 6" W x 9" (0.17 lbs) 44 pages
Descriptions, Reviews, Etc.
Publisher Description:
Pornographic addiction is a very big problem in 21st century, kids, teens, young people, adults and even older has become daily habit which most people watch on hourly or daily basis. How to overcoming it has become a very big challenge to people who want to opt out.Porn addiction been distracting allot of people for years now, e.g. schools, offices and work places, it has led many people big problem which changed their lives negatively such as losing jobs, control of themselves, consciousness towards their daily activities and it succeed making allot of people miserable in life.Make sure not to focus your brain on porn, internet pornography and emerging science of addiction, try to be strong so the body keeps the score, brain, mind, and body in the healing trauma, before you know it, you soon become yourself again to control your urge naturally, which is normal.(Do it yourself) Activities, tips and tricks to help you overcome watching of porn, its addiction and permanently stop it with timePorn addiction has caused many people to lose their relationships, marriages, stayed away from normal relationships they would have had in life, having natural sexual intercourse with opposite sex partners, even leading them to masturbation.In this book you'll learn, -How to successfully reboot your brain after porn rewired it.-Overcoming secret tips to guide you on your journey to porn freedom-Techniques to control your mind towards watching porn.-How to physically do away with porn daily.-How to overcome porn compulsion.-How to spiritually self-discipline yourself towards porn-How to control urge and defeat it anytime.-How to swap porn habit instantly for a similar good habit.Everything about pornography is connected to your mind, when you read this book you will know how self-determination can help you overcome this addiction, with the tips, advice and techniques outlined in it, you will come out successful at the end of following the information given to help you.About the AuthorEthan J. George is a publisher and writer who have been writing articles on health niche with many years of experience, and have also added his personal experience on some of the addictions problems he had in the paste, and he overcame them as a young man while growing up.