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Swamp Emperor
Contributor(s): Demian (Author)
ISBN: 1719270198     ISBN-13: 9781719270199
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
OUR PRICE:   $9.98  
Product Type: Paperback
Published: May 2018
Additional Information
BISAC Categories:
- Humor | Form - Parodies
Physical Information: 0.08" H x 8" W x 10" (0.23 lbs) 30 pages
Descriptions, Reviews, Etc.
Publisher Description:
He promised to "drain the swamp." Look at what he really did. He filled the swamp with creatures like himself, greedy and unfeeling; focused solely on making themselves rich.

Look at the ruler who wants to silence the press, demands loyalty oaths, destroys the nation's safety standards, steals public lands, maintains never-ending wars, and nuclear options.

He locks up infants and children, after separating them from parents. He cares so little about the kids, that he doesn't know where they are located, or that some have died in his cages.

He wants you so see a military parade in his honor, just like the ones that Putin gets.

Hear how he brags about how wonderful he is. But in the end, he's an emperor who lives, and thrives, in the swamp.

My "Swamp Emperor" book offers two parody graphic stories -- mostly in rhyme -- about the misadventures of a tyrant, liar, and greedy crook.

The second story is presented in glorious, red / cyan anaglyph stereoscopic vision. Because the book distributor is unable to include 3-D viewing glasses, I will send you, for free, a really cheap, flat cardboard, cellophane-lens 3-D viewer. Just e-mail me your street address.

The other half of the book contains data on some of this fascist's destructive actions, plus an extensive list of action organizations which support human rights and planetary safety.

For your consideration, Swamp Emperor, would-be mob ruler of the planet ...

"Why I Created 'Swamp Emperor' "

"Swamp Emperor" the Book - Sneak Peek Video


Note from the Author

My "Swamp Emperor" should be read by anyone who has an interest in the politics that directly affects their lives. Such as, this administration's inaction regarding the violence and insane number of guns in America, as well as in the loss of access to schools, housing, jobs, medical care, etc.

At its heart, the Trump administration, and many in the Republican party, are devoted to expanding the U.S. CIA, FBI and Pentagon secret budgets, and creating a permanent slave class, based on giving all power (and welfare) to the corporation owners, with nothing for the workers, children and dreamers of America.

I don't expect my Swampy book to change any Trump-lover's mind. My hope is to energize those interested in progressive change, and to support those taking actions to fight for social improvements in America and around the world.


"Swamp Emperor" was created by Demian, who has a Doctorate in Education, and a lifelong interest in preserving democracy and rule by just laws.

Dr. Demian, Sweet Corn Productions
Seattle, WA