Psychology, Law and Eyewitness Testimony Contributor(s): Ainsworth, Peter B. (Author) |
ISBN: 0471982385 ISBN-13: 9780471982388 Publisher: Wiley OUR PRICE: $85.45 Product Type: Paperback - Other Formats Published: May 1999 Annotation: Before giving evidence, witnesses have to swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Given current knowledge about human perception and memory, it is unlikely that witnesses will be able to keep this promise. Many professionals within the criminal justice and legal system are involved in recording and assessing eyewitness testimony, sometimes with unrealistic expectations of the ability of eyewitnesses to provide accurate and objective testimony: they, and students of psychology, law and criminology, will welcome this up-to-date, accessible survey of the concepts and research which now inform our knowledge of this field. Peter Ainsworth, an experienced lecturer and researcher, has written this book in a style suitable for non-specialists, and focuses on how and why witnesses make mistakes, how psychologists can help, and how legal procedures can be improved (for instance, by reducing the pressure on witnesses to guess). The text is authoritative, backed by references to key research, and well illustrated by examples of how psychology and law are interlinked in the study of eyewitness behaviour. "From some books you take new knowledge. Some books consolidate knowledge by clear writing. Occasionally, as in this book, you get both. Peter Ainsworth has done his readers a favour by presenting complex material simply yet succinctly. I hope the book enjoys the wide professional readership which it merits." Ken Pease, OBE, Professor of Criminology, University of Huddersfield, UK |
Additional Information |
BISAC Categories: - Medical | Forensic Medicine - Psychology | Forensic Psychology |
Dewey: 614.1 |
LCCN: 98019886 |
Series: Wiley Psychology of Crime, Policing and Law |
Physical Information: 0.46" H x 6.02" W x 9.06" (0.67 lbs) 216 pages |
Descriptions, Reviews, Etc. |
Publisher Description: Augenzeugenberichte sind eines der wichtigsten Forschungsgebiete im Bereich der angewandten Psychologie. Bislang gibt es nur wenige B cher, die einen aktuellen berblick zu diesem Thema geben. Dieses Buch beschreibt in einfacher Sprache die psychologischen Prozesse des Erinnerns und Aussages bei Augenzeugen und die sich hieraus ergebenden Konsequenzen f r Sachverst ndigenzeugen, Ermittler etc. im gegenw rtigen Rechtssystem. Diskutiert werden Probleme, die bei Augenzeugenberichten auftreten sowie die psychologischen Konzepte und Prozesse der Wahrnehmung und Erinnerung. Eine pr zise Darstellung von Schl sselkonzepten und -problemen, die auch der Nichtfachmann versteht. (09/98) |